17 manifestation affirmations to support your journey

written by Jasmine Irven

We recently had a guest expert in our membership chat with us about manifestation and aligned action (it was Manifestation and Mindset Coach Jessica Jovanovich, and she is amazing), and it got me so inspired to really claim my destiny.

I know manifestation can sound woo woo, but the reality is that we’re manifesting things in our life all of the time whether we realize it or not. Because whenever we can visualize something we want, speak it into existence, and start to take action towards that goal or idea, we’re manifesting.

So why not put intentional action behind your deepest dreams and desires? Why not believe (or lean into believing) that you are capable of creating everything you put on your vision board? Why not start to speak your desires and visions into the world with affirmations, journaling, and sharing your dreams with loved ones?

The more intentional energy you put behind your vision, the more you are letting the universe know that you are serious about co-creating this desire with it.

And when you can step into energies of excitement and giddy-ness as the thought of these dreams being inevitable, the more you are aligning an abundance, ease and flow that will bring these desires to fruition.

So, to help you start believing in yourself and speaking these desires into the world, here are 17 affirmations you can write down or say to yourself regularly.

(And p.s. if you scroll to the bottom we’ve created phone wallpapers for each of these affirmations for you which you can download for free) 😍

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manifestation affirmations

  • I am choosing to believe that things are working out for me

  • I am completely supported in my dreams

  • I am capable of creating all that I desire. All of my past successes are proof of my capabilities and all of my past failures are simply lessons learned that are allowing me to make better decisions now.

  • I am designing a life I love

  • My destiny awaits

  • I am choosing to believe that my dreams are not only possible, but inevitable

  • I am grateful and in awe of all that I’ve already manifested in my life. And when I practise gratitude I am aligning with an energy that allows me to bring even more abundance into my life

  • I deserve this

  • I am a powerful creator

  • I believe in myself wholeheartedly

  • I am leaning into the inevitability of this manifestation

  • I am excited and energized by this dream and can’t wait to make it my reality

  • This vision is on my heart for a reason; I’m meant to bring it to life

  • I am content and at peace because I know things are aligning in my favour

  • I am flowing with the current of the universe

  • I am an energetic match for all I desire, and like a magnet I am attracting it to me

  • What I desire is already mine

Which one resonates most with you? Start affirming this to yourself by repeating it, writing it down, and keeping it close.

And, to make things super easy on you, we’ve created phone wallpapers of each of these affirmations (in 2 different designs 😍). Download them here so you can be continuously reminded of your worthiness and ability to bring your desires to life.

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about the author

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Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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