upgrade your routine with morning pages (guide + writing prompts for beginners)
written by Jasmine Irven
Morning pages are a simple method of journaling which are great for beginners looking to enhance their morning routine with more creativity, well-being, and clarity. The concept has been brought to light relatively recently (at least in the mainstream) due to a seeming resurgence of the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I think the resurgence has been brought about by more and more people (like myself) looking for more ways to connect with our inner selves, and implement simple and holistic practices into our every day.
The book is a really great handbook for creatives, offering a number of tools, ways of thinking, and daily habits to incorporate into your day to spur creativity and help you gain or regain confidence in your creative endeavours, with morning pages being one of these exercises.
While I haven’t actually finished the book (I found it almost too helpful in giving me things to do when I already feel kind of overwhelmed with everything I *should * be doing in my every day) – I did get to the part about morning pages and have been experimenting with them as part of creating my ideal (and holistic) morning routine.
the concept
Morning pages are a simple way to upgrade your morning routine to allow for more clarity, comfort, and flow throughout the rest of your day.
They are 3, long form written pages of stream of consciousness writing.
“There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages – they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. ”
This means there’s no judgement about what is being written – you just write. Whatever’s on your mind, whatever is causing you tension, whatever is taking up space – write it down.
The idea is that clearing your mind first thing in the morning is an incredible way to allow you the opportunity to open yourself up to other thoughts and ideas throughout the day because you aren’t blocked or overwhelmed already by what’s already filling your mind.
how to start morning pages (aka the perfect addition to any morning routine)
Wake up a little earlier than you normally would (I know I know this is on literally every morning routine post but it’s super important! If you’re rushed in the morning your day is going to be more chaotic. If instead you make time to connect with yourself and make time for what you truly want to do, then no matter what the rest of your day throws at you, you can handle it.)
Make the ritual enjoyable. Make some tea or coffee, grab a blanket, and light some (non-toxic) candles.
Purchase a notebook and pen that you actually love and want to use (I recently got a similar notebook set to this at Indigo and have been loving them).
Put on some relaxing music (again, make it enjoyable and relaxing!) I like this yoga and meditation playlist from Spotify.
Either set a timer for 3 minutes and write until it goes off, or commit to 3 full pages of freehand writing.
Note how you feel, before, during, and after. I often feel resistance at the beginning and heading into the practice (resistance about not wanting to be up so early, wondering what the point is, etc.) but then I get into a flow and feel genuinely open afterwards, ready to tackle the day. And, generally a few good ideas have come out of it as well!
guidelines for beginners
do it as soon as you can after getting up. This way you can tap into what you’d be thinking about through the night, and can clear your mind for the day ahead.
don’t judge what you’re writing – just get it out! The goal is to clear your head and make room for new thoughts. Don’t try to force something brilliant or you won’t end up writing anything at all.
don’t stop yourself from writing something. Again, just let it out. No judgement, no moderation. Don’t worry about what you’re writing. Remember, no one else is ever supposed to see these pages.
try to make it a routine. The more you do it, the more you’re likely to see the benefits.
think of it like active meditation. Use the time as a chance to unwind and relax, with no pressure about performing or showing up for anyone except yourself. Think of it as an opportunity to clear your mind.
morning page prompts
Morning pages really focus on the idea that there are no rules; no one should be telling you what you should or should not write about.
I’ve literally written lines before which were just a repetition of “I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what to write.,” before something more came from it.
However, if you’re really struggling with what to write, here are a few prompts for inspiration:
things you’re grateful for
what’s been on your mind
dreams you had
hopes and dreams you have for your life
frustrations you’re feeling
fears you’re experiencing
ideas taking up space in your mind
what you’re looking forward to
Have you incorporated morning pages into your routine? What do you think about this form of journaling? Let me know in the comments!
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about the author
Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.
I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.
Connect with me on Instagram here!