on practises and rituals to keep you grounded

written by Jasmine Irven

Change is inevitable, and the flow of life with its ups and downs is what allows us to continuously grow, evolve, and learn. 

However, in the moment, change can seem overwhelming. 

And so, having some grounding practises gives you the opportunity to find a sense of peace within the noise. 

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause change and uncertainty in our daily lives, I thought I’d share some of the practises I’m continuing to focus on to nourish my mind, body, and spirit amidst the chaos. 

Here are a few ways you can practise self care that might help to give you a sense of stability. I hope these are helpful for navigating any changes in your life while staying grounded, connected to yourself and the world around you.

take care of your body 

  • Get moving. Try to find some way to exercise daily (ideally for 20-30 mins), whether that’s with a morning stretch YouTube videoa full-body workout video, dancing around your house listening to music, or taking a walk.

  • Get outside. Especially if you can walk on the earth barefoot! This is a super grounding practise because you’re putting yourself in touch with the physical ground. However, even if you can’t touch the ground physically, breathing in the fresh air and taking a walk outside can do wonders for helping you feel more at peace.

  • Focus on adding in more whole foods to your life (those that are as close to their natural form as possible). These provide the nutrients and energy our bodies need. Nourish yourself! Consider creating a meal plan of sorts if you’d find that structure helpful as this can help to reduce the number of decisions you have to make in a day (which can help to reduce overwhelm).

  • Hydrate. Maybe set some alarms on your phone to remind yourself to drink some water!

  • Reprogram your sleep patterns. Getting enough good quality sleep is so important for your immune system and overall health!! If you’re struggling to sleep check out this blog post on our ideal night routine, or this one on 10 things to consider buying if you want great sleep.

clear your mind 

  • Find a (flexible) routine that works for you. What would make you feel really good? How can you add that into your day? Your routine doesn’t need to look the same every day, but it can be helpful to have a few practises you can lean on that help you to have some structure when things externally feel out of control (for example even just making your coffee in the morning can give you a sense of purpose and control because there are set steps to take).

  • Disconnect. Stay informed with what’s going on, but set limits on the amount of time you spend consuming external information, whether that’s online, on social media, or watching the news. It’s pretty hard to stay positive and hopeful when all you hear is negativity. Set boundaries so you can give your head and your heart a break, or you’re just going to cause more stress. 

  • Journal. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try implementing a journal practise where you write down everything that’s on your mind. Then ask yourself: “is it likely I can do something about this?” If the answer is yes, make an action plan! Ask yourself what you can do today to focus in on the issue and make some progress on relieving it. If the answer is no, you can’t change it, use intention and visualization to think of a more positive outcome. Put your energy into the positive intention. Whether it changes the outcome (depending on the level of which you believe in the power of manifestation), or not, you instantly will become less stressed. If you’re looking for more info on this, check out this YouTube video on how your brain can turn anxiety into calmness. 

  • Find a focus. Ask yourself: what’s important today? What about for the month? Give yourself tasks to focus on, whether they’re rituals and routines to keep you grounded, or they’re bigger projects related to your life’s goals. Unsure of your goals? Right now is a great time to find more clarity there. Check out this blog post for the ultimate goal-setting guide. 

  • Try this common grounding technique. Name 5 things you see, 4 you can feel, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell and 1 you can taste.

  • Take 3 deep breaths. This helps to calm your nervous system and to move your body from a state of fight or flight into a rest and digest state. Invite your body to come into the present moment, to stay and find peace in the here and now.

replenish your soul

  • Have some alone time. Whether that’s disconnecting an hour before bed so you can read, or getting up early to journal and set an intention, finding alone time can be super powerful. 

  • Meditate. Use a guided meditation focused on letting go, releasing tension and stress, or sending love. Connecting with your root chakra can also be helpful as this is the chakra that connects us with the earth and provides a sense of stability.

  • Call a friend or arrange a video chat to connect with your friends and family. 

  • Light a candle or burn some incense. Aromatherapy can do wonders for shifting your mood, and providing a sense of calm, especially if you have a couple of “go-to” scents.

  • Write a gratitude list. Don’t just write what you’re grateful for but why you’re grateful!  

  • Sip coffee or tea slowly. Take time to just be. To come back to yourself, and enjoy the moment as it is.

I hope these tools and strategies are helpful. If you ever need a listening ear, know our community is here for you! 💛

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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