8 of our favourite inspirational quotes to get you through challenging times

written by brayden kerr

1. when it is dark enough, you can see the stars. - Charles A. Beard

In times of adversity, such as a global pandemic, we often see all the wonderful things we took for granted, when life was once ‘normal’. May you never lose sight of the essential characteristics of kindness and compassion, especially in light of this challenging time.

When this ends, may you find the person you wanted to be, the person you were called the be, the person you had always hoped to be, and may you stay that way – better for each other, because of the worst. 

2. soon, when all is well, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up. - Brittany Burgunder

Maybe right now, your journey is about being alone. Maybe this is the year you are challenged – to learn how to wake up happy, to finally find hope in the vacant parts of your soul, and to finally give yourself permission to take up space for you and you only.

Maybe right now you are being shown that you can take care of yourself, that you can depend on yourself, and that you CAN be your own home, no matter what comes your way.

3. to hate is an easy, lazy thing. to love takes strength everyone has, but not all are willing to practice. - Rupi Kaur

In times of sadness and misfortune we often feel anger. We tend to notice all of the people who are not there for us, those who have forgotten to check in.

The reality of this is, it’s important to check in on your friends. It’s important to keep in touch, and it’s important to reach out to those who don’t normally reach out to you.

It’s easy to think about all the things people are not doing for you; instead take that energy and think about all the things you are doing for other people. Be the friend you want; be the friend you need. Not only for yourself, but for the others around you. Watch how it changes you.

4. I hope you have the courage to keep loving deeply in a world that sometimes fails to do so. - Bianca Sparacino

Instead of focusing your efforts on the people who have left you during this time, focus on the people in your life who have chosen to be there.

Focus on the ones who stayed, the ones who appreciated you when you didn’t think you deserved appreciation. You are surrounded by people who know they want you in their life. If you choose to mourn the ones that have failed you, you will miss out on the beautiful things.

Try not to continue to stay rooted in all of the ways you were wronged. Do not let this difficult time pull you from reality.

5. the rain can make us sad, until we see closely the beauty of a single raindrop. and so to the same with life. - Atticus 

We can often find ourselves so caught up in the news, in social media, repetitively exposing ourselves to the sad reality we’re all living right now. It’s easy to drown in the misfortunate updates each day has to bring. But what if I challenged you to look at the bigger picture?

Take a step back and look at the beauty in each day.

Instead of reading all of the bad things happening, take ten minutes to read up on all the good, the hopeful, and the progress this world has made. Read up on how we have come together, how our nations have aligned, how our planet is healing. Take time to foster an environment of positivity in your mind.

It’s important to be informed, but it’s also important to remind yourself of all the good things to come. You deserve to feel good; you deserve to have optimism too.

6. it’s okay to rest right now, productivity isn’t always loud, productivity isn’t always external. sometimes the deepest productivity occurs within – not all growth requires movement, some growth is quiet. - @rainbowsalt

Societies ‘expectations’ of us can tarnish our own expectations of ourselves; one of the deadliest demons to exist amongst social media. I’ve seen many posts speaking to things like, if you don’t come out of this quarantine with a new skill, a side hustle, or more knowledge, you never lacked time, you lacked discipline. This is a toxic statement.

If you come out of this with absolutely none of the above, you are doing just fine. People are dealing with this in so many different ways.

If you’re not doing great, that’s okay. Give yourself a break, do what makes you happy, do what makes you, YOU. Don’t let the internet define what you should be doing during this difficult time.

7. you don’t need to touch someone to touch them. - unknown

I’d say this is probably one of my favourite quotes. Not because of the simplicity, but because of the powerful message behind that simplicity.

Even though we aren’t physically together, there’s so many things you can do to still ‘be with someone’ without being there. Perhaps we aren’t always open with what we’re going through, and so the same with others. We can assume many are struggling during this time, and perhaps that person struggling may be even under your own roof.

Take this time to check in on people. A simple gesture, like a check-in text can seriously make someone’s day.

8. you are loved, even if you don’t feel like yourself right now. even if the dark has made a home within you. even when you doubt. even when you feel like the world does not understand the depth of your circumstance. you are loved and you are worthy of that love. - unknown

You may feel misunderstood and confused; like a dark cloud has found you and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake it. Know this is normal. In times of uncertainty, allow yourself to feel.

Allow yourself to process the surrounding environment. You are more than you think. Pick up the phone, call a friend, a parent, a sibling. It’s okay to ask for that reassurance. It’s okay to be easy on yourself.

Connect with the moments that make you feel deeply, connect with the people that set your soul on fire; never let them go.

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about the author


Brayden is an experienced Human Resources Business Partner with a demonstrated history of working with mental health and individual productivity. 

Known for being a(n):

  • mental health advocate

  • big picture thinker

  • avocado lover

  • adventure enthusiast, and

  • self-love promoter

Follow along with her on instagram for more inspirational & educational content.  ✨

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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