19 ways to raise your vibration

written by Jasmine Irven

Our beings are made of energy. The universe is energy. We are energy. And we have the capability to shift that energy to allow for more peace, more happiness, more flow in our daily life.

These shifts don’t need to be big; they don’t need to take all day or cost the entirety of your paycheque. In most cases these shifts involve going back to the basics; focusing on simple habits or rituals you can fall on when you’re feeling out of alignment.

the science behind it 

You likely learned in school that everything, including humans, is made of atoms. Well, quantum physics allows us to take this a little further. 

Essentially if you go into the inner workings of an atom, quantum physics explains that there’s nothing there except energy waves. Atoms continually give off and absorb light and energy; each with its own distinct frequency or vibration. 

what does this mean for me? 

When something vibrates at a lower frequency, it feels heavy, whereas things vibrating with a higher frequency feel lighter, more at ease (physically and emotionally). Lower vibrational energies include sadness and stress, whereas higher vibrational energies might include happiness, joy, and love. 

The important thing to know though, and always come back to, is that we can raise our energetic vibrations. We can change the frequency with which our bodies vibrate at, in order to bring more ease and flow into our lives. More of the lighter, higher vibrations. More happiness, more joy, more love. 

19 ways to raise your vibration


Meditation involves coming inward; recognizing that you’re all you need; that you can find complete joy, happiness, and love within yourself. It involves clearing negative energy; clearing the chaos that often ensues in our minds.

We can bring ourselves into a greater state of flow and a higher vibration through meditation, because it allows us to let go of so much that no longer serves us. 

Take 10-15 minutes to sit with yourself. Start by setting an intention for your practise: I am practising to ______ (bring more light to my body, to raise my vibration, to bring peace, to experience greater flow). Then move into focusing on your breath, continually bringing your attention back to your breath when you notice your mind wandering.

It may be helpful to bring affirmations into your practise which relate to your intention. For example, I am light, I am vibrating at a higher energy, I am peace. Use these to ground yourself into your practise, and to affirm yourself that you have everything you need, within. 


Aromatherapy is an ancient method of healing that uses scents (generally via essential oils) to promote health and wellbeing. Certain scents cause people to experience different emotions, because of their influence on the brain (and specifically the limbic system part of the brain which supports behaviour, emotion, and motivation). 

We can use different scents to raise our vibration. For example, lavender is a popular scent (and probably my favourite) for relaxation and relieving stress. Eucalyptus, chamomile, and frankincense are also great calming scents. Scents like peppermint and citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemon) can also help raise vibrational energy as they are mood-supporting, uplifting scents.

Some oils are stronger than others and some have very specific uses so it’s imperative to understand the oil you’re working with. Oils can be diffused, added to a carrier oil like sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil (most essential oils in their pure state are too concentrated to use directly on the skin and require a carrier oil for dilution) and applied directly on the skin (most commonly behind the earlobes or on the wrists), added to water and sprayed in the air, or added to boiling water and inhaled via the steam (from a safe distance, of course. 

If you’re not a fan of essential oils, you can get many of the same benefits of aromatherapy by burning incense or candles (which are also great for setting the mood of a room and increasing the vibrational energy)!


Simply moving your body has immediate benefits, as well as long-term protective effects. Movement promotes the release of neurochemicals like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine that help boost your mood and help you relax, while reducing the activity of hormones like adrenalin and cortisol, which promote feelings of anxiety and tension.

This directly relates to bringing your body into a higher vibrational state! And the more you move, the better the long-term effects. 

I like to say movement rather than exercise, because I find exercise is often associated with very specific forms of movement: going to the gym, going on a run, lifting weights, etc. In reality there are sooo many more ways we can incorporate movement into our lives. 

Whether that’s exercise in the typical sense, or just going on a walk in nature, going to a yoga class or trying an at-home video, going on a bike ride, kayaking, swimming, dancing around your house, taking the stairs, jumping rope, hoola hooping, or whatever other form of movement speaks to you. Find something you love, and try incorporating it into your week! 

maintain a daily routine 

When we have a daily routine, with simple rituals and practises we love, we can look forward to moments in our day. Whether that’s getting up early to journal and enjoy a cup of coffee, going for a walk midday, disconnecting an hour before bed, having these rituals in place can help us to stay grounded. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t have variety in your life; recognizing that some rituals are going to serve you in one season of your life and not another is very important. However, when you can incorporate small practises you love into your daily life, while still allowing for flow and flexibility, you’re much more likely to stay in a higher vibe. 

Ask yourself: how can I connect with myself on a deeper level daily? Where can I make space in my day for the things I love? What brings me deep joy? Then make a plan of action and begin incorporating these things into your day. 


Clutter is very low-vibe. You can even feel the lower energy when you say the word! Taking the time to minimize by getting rid of physical items that no longer serve you can really help your space transform energetically. 

Be honest with yourself when going through your items: does it serve a purpose? Does it make you happy? If you could go back, would this item be something you would buy?

This process doesn’t need to be challenging. Consider setting aside the time to get rid of 5 things daily. And remember, don’t just throw the items out! Try to repurpose, resell, or donate the item to avoid unnecessary waste. 🌿

complete a mini life edit

Similar to above, when your life itself is cluttered, it can feel heavy & unfulfilling. Show yourself and/or your space some love by taking an audit of some of the things in it: people, your environment, the food in your cupboards, your daily routines, your online presence, etc. Ask yourself what is no longer serving you and take this as an opportunity to clear space.

bring in cleansing foods + water

When I’m feeling low-energy, I love to reflect on what I’ve been consuming lately. Nutrition and hydration are so important in creating flow in your life. When you’re eating processed foods, you’re more likely to feel heavy, bloated, and tired (very low vibe)!! And when you’re not drinking enough water your poor body doesn’t have the energy it needs to function properly. 

On the other hand, when you’re eating whole, plant-based foods, and focusing on adequate water intake, you feel light and energetic in your body. 

Go back to the basics - consume foods that come from the earth, make nourishing meals that give your body the nutrients it needs, and drink lots of water. 

explore nature  

The energy of the earth is pure. It’s beautiful, and light, and has been sustaining life on earth since the beginning of civilization. Connect with nature. Walk outside. Breathe fresh air. Feel the sunshine on your skin and the ground beneath your feet (which can also help you embrace a grounding energy). Let your mind wander. 

These are things we often can forget about when we spend so much time indoors but they are such a simple way to add more happiness, peace, and clarity to your life. 


If you can’t go outside, bring the outdoors in! Greenery is a great way to bring more happiness and beauty to your space. Plants clean the air, reduce stress, and help us feel more at ease, which are all ways we can create higher vibrations. 


I truly believe we are all creative. But many of us no longer practise creativity because at some point along the way we were either told we weren’t good enough at x, or created that story in our own heads based on comparison with others.

Think back to when you were 6 years old. What did you love to do? Paint? Doodle? Sing? Crafts? Or, think of something that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t let yourself explore. Sewing? Pottery? Writing?

I love how Forbes puts it in this article about creativity and happiness, “have you ever been working on a project and completely lost all sense of self and time? That’s flow. It reduces anxiety, boosts your mood, and even slows your heart rate. It’s not just being in flow that helps your happiness. Repetitive creative motions like knitting, drawing, or writing help activate flow, and are all tasks that create a result. And when you succeed at creating a result, no matter what it is, your brain is flooded with dopamine, that feel-good chemical that actually helps motivate you.” 

Can you allow yourself to explore one of these creative outlets you’ve been neglecting? To create without judgement or comparison, but instead with love and compassion and excitement. 

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I think we can all agree that we feel better when we disconnect. While social media and the Internet offer a variety of benefits, they also come with a lot of comparison, a lot of judgement, and a lot of negativity. 

Allow yourself time (ideally daily) to disconnect with the online world, and instead reconnect with yourself. To practise self-love, to work on projects you’ve been putting off, to read that book that’s been sitting on your shelf, to try that new thing you’ve been wanting to do, to cook nourishing meals. To focus on the things that bring you joy and happiness and love rather than rushing through life feeling overwhelmed. 

experience reiki/ energy healing

Reiki is a healing practise which directly involves shifting energies. Through spiritual guidance, reiki practitioners are able to feel into your energy, clearing pathways, loosening negative energies, and charging your energetic field with positive energy, directly allowing you to raise your energetic vibration. 


Tapping, aka the emotional freedom technique (EFT), is based on the premise that our negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are caused by disruptions in our internal energy systems.

By applying pressure on certain points, or meridians in your body, you can restore this energy balance and can relieve the symptoms that the negative belief may have caused (i.e. stress and anxiety). 

If you’re interested in trying tapping, we have a full blog post outlining how you can get started in shifting your energy and clearing any energetic pathways that may be blocked


Humans need community, and in our overly connected society, physical, human connection is often lost. Find people that lift you up. That are aligned with your values and beliefs, and share a similar vision for the world with you. That support you and want what’s best for you. That push you to fulfill your potential. 

Your environment is extremely important and can directly impact your energetic being. When you’re able to find a supportive & uplifting community, it will be easier to step into your highest self. To find your purpose and speak into it. 

I’m not going to lie, it’s often challenging to find these people, and it will likely be a lifelong process as you continue to change and develop and grow into your full potential. But it’s important! Seek out online communities that talk about the subjects you’re interested in, go to coffee shops and events and conferences that hold people that you want to learn from. 

When someone doesn’t feel aligned, politely distance yourself. And when someone is intriguing and exciting, and you have conversations that make you feel lighter, look for ways you can continue connecting with them. 


A lot of stress and anxiety for me personally, comes from when I have too much going on; too many thoughts running through my head, and I find a lot of mental clarity comes from journaling. Journaling is really an individual practise, so there’s no right or wrong way to go about it, but some of my favourite ways to use journaling to raise my vibration include: 

  • Sitting down with a cup of tea and writing everything that’s on my mind. This brain dump or stream of consciousness writing helps me clear my mind; making no judgements about what I’m writing, what I’m holding on to. From here I take time to think about what items are important to me that I want to take action on. Then I pick one or two and pick a couple tangible ways I can start to tackle these goals (even if it’s just putting time in my calendar to tackle it later).

  • If you’re looking for a daily journal practise, check out this post on morning pages (it includes a guide + writing prompts for beginners). Morning pages are another form of stream of consciousness journaling that can provide a lot of clarity & peace early on in the day. 

  • Using journal prompts related to how I’m feeling. Pinterest is a great resource for journal prompts in general, but if you’re looking for some specifically on getting into a higher vibration consider writing on some self-discovery prompts like: 

    • When do I feel the most joyful?

    • What does my ideal day look like from start to finish? What can I do today to start living into that? 

    • What am I most proud of?

    • What do I feel most passionate about? Why?

    • What does self-care mean to you? How can you bring it into your life more? What about self-love? 

    • What makes me feel nourished on all levels (mind, body, spirit)?

    • How do I add value to the world? 


In my opinion, music is beneficial for higher vibes in two ways: 

  • Just listening to music you love & music that makes you happy is an incredible way to reduce stress and let go; especially if it’s music you can let yourself sing and dance to! 

  • More literally, listening to high vibe music (specifically via binaural beats) is a simple way to raise your own vibrations! Binaural beats are considered an auditory illusion. When you listen to two tones of different frequencies, one in each ear, your brain makes up the difference in frequency; this is the binaural beat (for example if you’re listening to a vibrational frequency of 130hz in one ear and 120hz in the other, your brain makes up the difference and you “hear” an additional 10hz vibrational frequency). Binaural beats help you to balance your energy. For reducing stress and encouraging relaxation try beats in the alpha frequencies (8-13hz). 


Often when we’re feeling lower vibrationally, it’s because we feel a lack in some sense in our life. Affirmations are simple “I am” statements, that allow us to step into a more positive energy; to become clear on all of the amazing qualities we have, and to get a feel for some of the qualities we want to embody. 

Writing a statement as if it were already true, allows us to call this energy into our lives, lifting our vibrational state and allowing for more calm & clarity. 


When you complete a visualization practise you are generally envisioning something you want to call into your life; something you’re looking forward to, a goal or dream you have for the future. 

By visualizing this thing or moment, this feeling, you are bringing the energy of it into your present moment, allowing yourself to experience all the beauty and contentment of that thing. 

What do you want to call into your life? Consider creating a vision board or visualizing these things in a meditative state to experience the high vibes of your future self. Just experiencing the positive emotions associated with visualization will raise your energetic being. And, visualization is the first step in manifestation! 

When you begin to get a sense of what it will feel like to be in that moment, to have that thing/relationship/environment, you’re able to more clearly move forward and take intentional action that will bring you to a place where you can actually experience it. 

get grateful 

It’s hard to deny the power of gratitude. Studies continually show links between gratitude practises and well-being, meaning it is a perfect way to raise your vibration! 

But, I also know that many people have the same response to gratitude. Maybe you implement the practise for a couple days but get bored. Or find yourself saying the same 3-5 things every day! If your current gratitude list looks like: 

I am grateful for my dog. 

I am grateful for my family.

I am grateful for my job. 

You need an upgrade! While I’m sure you genuinely are grateful for all of these things, the more important thing to ask yourself is why you are grateful for them. What makes these things so important to you? What would your life look like without them? 

So, take out a notebook and every day write 1 thing you’re grateful for, along with 3-5 unique reasons why you’re grateful! I guarantee higher vibes almost immediately as you reflect on how beautiful your life is. ✨


Finally, I suggest creating a sacred space in your home where you can complete all of these rituals. 

Where do you go to journal or meditate? How can you bring more of a sense of peace to that space so you’re able to feel inspired, and in alignment, as you work to reconnect with yourself and raise your vibration. 

Creating a beautiful space for you to unwind is also the perfect way to encourage you to bring more of these practises into your life. 

Sending you peace, love, and high vibes. ✨

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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