8 essential tips to slow down and regenerate

written by Victoria Manakis | originally posted on Viki Leaks

In 2020, it’s quite an irony that while technology is continuously invented to save us time, we use this time to do more and more things… and so our lives are more fast-paced and chaotic than ever.

Recently – and yes, during a global pandemic – I fortunately landed a new, full-time gig. As with all rewarding jobs, this exciting position requires an abundance of time dedicated to learning, training and networking. Although I’m no stranger to this rapid lifestyle, it’s important that I make enough personal time as well.

what does a slower life look like?

Slowing down the pace of your life does NOT mean that your aspirations, projects, hobbies and dreams are put on hold. It just means that you are finding a sense of balance and gratitude in everyday life.

A slower lifestyle means taking time to focus on whoever you’re spending time with – whether it’s your children, parents, friends, or companion. It means single-tasking rather than answering work emails while eating dinner and watching the 6PM news. It means taking time to enjoy your mornings boo! Think about how many times you’ve rushed off to work in a frenzy; no breakfast, forgot to do the full skincare routine, didn’t take your vitamins, didn’t look out the window to check the weather or catch the sunrise… This is precious life passing you by.

Sometimes, we feel guilty when we actually do take time to simply do nothing.

why is it important to slow down?

  1. Slowing down helps us become more present, appreciative and mindful.

  2. Doing too many things or rushing to get stuff done makes us stressed. This causes us to overlook important details of our lives, and fuels egocentrism.

  3. Slowing down helps cultivate patience and create space for us to actually live.

  4. Slowing down helps us find clarity for the wants, desires, and wishes that truly resonate with our soul.

  5. Slowing down allows us to fall into a space of trust, where we don’t need to micromanage the unfolding of life.

Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it has proven to lead to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness. With that being said, here are 8 essential tips you can use to slow down, rest, and regenerate.

8 essential tips to slow down & regenerate

1. be present

Focus on what you are doing. If it’s reading, let it just be reading. Don’t start dozing off or checking your phone. If it’s exercising, let it just be exercising.

Don’t start chatting off the ear of the person squatting next to you. Click here for a 20 minute mindfulness meditation to help develop your skill of being present.

2. disconnect

Listen, I work in the media industry and I know how difficult it is to put down the phone, shut the laptop, or turn off the TV. There’s this constant urge for us to be available 24/7, but this mentality is mad unhealthy.

Next time you’re doing a task, try putting your phone aside – in another room in fact – and just leave it there for a little while. You’ll begin to notice a sense of peace.

3. appreciate nature

Yes indeed! I don’t mean walking from the train station to your office while you’re changing the track on Spotify and reading morning emails. I mean actually appreciating the nature around you.

Go to the park, watch the sunrise from your window or backyard, read or meditate on the porch, do yoga on the balcony, drive to a botanical garden for a walk, take a hike, sit by the water….

While you’re there, take a deep breath of fresh air, enjoy the serenity of water and greenery. You can do this by yourself, or with loved ones.

4. eat slower

This one is really difficult, but I learned the hard way! Last month, I was experiencing stomach pains shortly after eating, which could be a result of indigestion.

Since then, I’ve been making a conscious effort to eat slower and I’ve noticed a significant difference. It’s also important to be thankful for the food we  eat, so just take your time. As my mom would always say, “it’s not going anywhere, Vic!”

5. do less

When did it become the norm to over-exhaust ourselves with hundreds of tasks a day? Prioritize your days; focus on what’s really important and just let go of the rest (or put it on the back-burner for when you feel bored). It’s also important to ensure that you allocate enough space between your daily appointments and tasks, so that you can pace your day and move around comfortably.

6. breathe

When you find yourself overwhelmed, speeding up, or stressing tf out, just take a deep breath. As you release the air, picture all of the anxiety and worry leaving your body. Take a couple more breaths. Focusing on your breath brings you back to the present moment, grounds you, and reminds you of what is important.

7. learn to say “no.” 

Stretching yourself too thin can rob you of joy, PERIODDD.

8. be “unproductive”

Ou, this might be a personal fav of mine! Make time for yourself, kick back and relax. It’s OK to nap, #NetflixnChill, pour up some dranks, read a book (but not one associated to your career) , doze off, take a bath… Whatever, just make sure it’s something useless!

All-in-all, good things seem to happen to those who can wait. I hope these recommendations benefit you in your everyday life. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I would love to chat!

In peace & love,

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about the author


Hey! My name is Victoria, but you can call me Viki. A 20-something city girl with an old soul and a busy mind. I’m the founder of Viki Leaks, a lifestyle blog dedicated to my experiences growing up as a millennial.

My goal is to connect readers with things that appeal to them, while simultaneously challenging the way we think. I thrill to help and encourage others to uncover themselves, take chances and live in the moment.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments! I encourage feedback and would love to hear from you. Thanks for reading, and be sure to Stay tuned for the latest leaks!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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